Monday, July 26, 2010

Chloromint: Chaba Dabake

If you were to convince me to never be seen with your product, then this ad is bang on! In all sincerity, I hope I am not even remotely close to Chloromint's target customer profile. If I am, then they there are well on their way to the downhill curve which will eventually reach a dead end.

First thought after seeing this ad: WHAT?
Afterthought: WHY?
After Afterthought: Again...WHAT?

Consider me intellectually lacking, but I fail to understand the very POINT of this ad. It's a sad story indeed that my very first review is of this one, but I am compelled to write this.
So there is atleast one good thing about the ad, people will NOTICE it.
The concept is extremely silly, if i may use the term. Marketing the chewing gum as a chilly, refreshing alternative to this heat is a good idea, but cows milking out ice cream? Seriously? It does not excite my taste buds one bit. It is way too graphic, why even repulsive.

The background score and the jingle is catchy no doubt. Won't be surprised if people begin to hum it. But will it increase the sales, really? In my opinion, maybe only slightly initially and that too purely out of curiosity.

The ad does not leave me with anything apart from the painful image of Salman Khan being him ridiculous self.

The reason the ridicule factor of this ad reaches new heights is two folded. Firstly, this ad comes at a time when Happy Dent has come out with the most creative ads. Orbit as well for that matter. At least the advertising of these brands remains in one's mind and even if it doesn't, it does not cause any sort of repulsion!
Secondly and more importantly, this new campaign cannot even stand in comparison to Chloromint's own previous advertising.

The ad might increase sales purely because people will be reminded of Chloromint again. But really, everytime I see that green little thing, flashes of Salman Khan milking the cow will not be easy to run away from. I think I will stick to my Happy Dent. Thank You.

If all this wasn't enough, you can torture yourself by clicking here . It's not suicide, but almost there.


1 comment:

  1. I am also not too fond of this one, but the reason Im writing here is about a point you mentioned about the ad increasing sales. So, when we think about advertising do we directly link it to the increase in sales as a review point or maybe its done just to initiate recall value. By making this silly ad, and as you agree that it Will get notice, whatever the reasons, maybe the whole aim was just creating a buzz again for their product, esp. since its been long since their last set of campaigns - "Dubara Mat Puchchna". And, yes obviously the ultimate aim of any business is 'profit', but still what is it at that moment when they think of advertising...
    So, what do you think?! Advertising to directly impact/increase sales? Or maybe just create recall?
